This morning I took a small group of ladies who volunteered to be guinea pigs in a little experiment....Thanks ladies.
I got this little idea from the Lord while in the prayer room the other day. I'm not going to tell you quite yet what we did...but you will eventually know. It involved the Bible and a lot of running, burpees, and situps. It was rough but all together was pretty amazing.
In the midst of this we were in the book of Colossians. The word mystery continued to come up and at one point in Colossians 2:2-3 it states,
"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are all hidden the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
Paul here is talking to the church about how much he has been struggling for the people he knows but also for those he does not. He is laboring for the church here.
This word treasure so stuck out to me. When I think of treasure I think of a buried trunk with some amazing jewels and coins inside. The map looks worn with some roads, directions, names and then a big red seeing what I'm seeing? So the treasure is Jesus. It's learning and understanding who He is by knowing Him.
To know someone we must spend time with them, chat with them, ask them questions and then listen to their response. You may laugh together...well I at least hope you do, you can cry together, you are knowing one another. It's how relationship works. When we know Jesus, there is treasure to be found and that treasure is wisdom and knowledge...and it's not human worldly wisdom it's heaven's wisdom, heaven's knowledge...I don't know about you but I'd like that map.
The map is the Bible, it's our quiet times, it's our prayer times, it's our asking the Lord and then waiting for His answer. He leads us, He guides us. He may ask us hard things but it's the directions we are to take following that map. But, in order to follow a map here are some key things to finding the treasure:
Follow Directions: I don't know about you but I tend to want to do things my way...I'm quickly learning His ways are better than mine.
Search: Do you want to know the things God has for your life, even if it might be challenging situations? Do you want to ask the hard questions, even if it means that you might be stretched a bit? We must move in His direction.
Look: Keep your eyes open for the Lord in your life. What should you wear today? Where should you go today? Who is that you are to talk to and what are you to say or not say?
Fail: You must be willing to be imperfect with Jesus and know He will still love you even if you go the wrong way. But practice going right when He says go right because He knows the way.
Dig: Once you get there you may have to dig a little deeper for what is under the ground. This could mean dealing with situations, people, relationships, sin that we have put away.
He has placed a treasure inside of me. It's my identity, it's my gifting, it's my love, it's my heart, it ME. I don't know about you but I wanna find it!!!!