Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Cheerful Giver

Did you know that God uses your family to train and equip you for the relationships that you are building for His Kingdom purposes? How you react, (whether in a positive or negative manner) will directly mirror your relationships outside of your family unit!

The above scripture is often used by pastors conducting a sermon on tithing..and while I believe that was the basis for Pauls teaching, there is complete relevance to being a " Cheerful Giver" outside of this. The Greek word for 'cheerful ' is hilaros, from which we get our word hilarious. According to Paul the giving of ourselves whether monetarily or otherwise, should not be a pain. It should be a party. I don't know about you, but the only parties I'm attending pertaining to my family, are PITY PARTIES! AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT CLEANS UP AROUND HERE? UGH! I GUESS I'LL BE THE ONE FEEDING THE DOG AGAIN! WHAAAA! But when I give to my family with purpose in my heart it completely changes the atmosphere of my home-no matter what the circumstance:)

I have to be careful to give ONLY what the Lord would have me give. 
Not any more not any less!!

Each individual family member requires something completely different from the next. If I'm not under the Rule of the Spirit this can cause me to be sooo stretched that I could snap at any second. We all no how ugly that can be!?! Here are some examples of what the Lord has ministered to me through my wonderful family. And how the friendships/divine appointments God sends into my life are cultivated through these experiences.
  • With my husband I have learned to be sure that I'm not trying to teach him something only God can teach him. If I get out of the way, he will draw closer to God on his own. My job is to "quietly" (very very difficult for me) unconditionally LOVE.
  • My oldest son desires my ear. He likes to keep me posted on the who's who and whats what with music, friends, etc...He doesn't necessarily want my opinion one way or the other. By being a good listener I have gained his trust.
  • My second child is VERY sensitive. He requires and never tires of the words I love you. This constant reaffirming of  love motivates him out of his comfort zone.
  • My third child wants my attention on him every second of everyday! This kid is relentless!!! I have learned to exercise boundaries with him. He is also a sure cure for any lazy tendencies I might have had toward parenting. Dang it!
  • The last member of my family is my sweet little girl! She is so tiny and seemingly fragile, so my tendency is to underestimate the strength that God has already placed in her. She already stands up to her three brothers! I'm finding it nearly impossible not to hover over her protectively. I have a feeling this one is going to continue to surprise me as she grows into a warrior for the Lord!
Being that this is the "fearless experiment", I must add, being a terrible wife/mother has been a fear of mine. Countless times I've called my husband at work begging him to fire me and send me packin back into the workforce. Now I Know by Gods grace and mercy, I can live obediently to the whisper of the Holy Spirit in how to cheerfully give to each member of my family. I also know that I will watch each of my children, inspired by Gods truth, do the same to others for the KINGDOM OF GOD.



  1. Thankyou for writing this. I agree that We HAVE to start at home!This makes me re-evaluate my attitude towards my giving each it cheerful...ummm not always, but I want it to be. Thanks Heather!

  2. Beautiful zinger, Heather! When one of our kids is acting up, it is especially challenging to give and love cheerfully, but it matters even more so on the rough days. Thanks so much for a powerful reminder today, I needed it. :)

  3. Oh Heather! What transparent truth!!! To give cheerfully, not lazily, not with a whining tone.....I appreciate that you look at each person in your family. We need to minister to each one to meet THEIR needs not our own. Hugs to you sweet friend!!!!! ~Treva:)

  4. Love this Heather! What a wonderful reminder of how our relationships and attitude at home can directly affect our relationships outside the home. I LOVE how you detailed each of your children's (and husband's) specific & unique needs. This really makes me want to dig into it deeper and pray that God will reveal to me where my focus with each of the individuals in my family needs to be.
    Through this post, God revealed to me that I'm somewhat possessive of my children when it comes to who knows them best. I fail to recognize that God knows them even more intimately than I do! I need to go to HIM for counsel and guidance EVERYDAY in order to be the best mommy to each of them that He would have me be.
    Thanks for the reminder and the encouraging words!


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