Fight Night at Havana Republic was riveting last night. Our new location is fabulous!! Everyone at Havana was so helpful and friendly and their efficiency and kindness and professionalism just enhanced our experience.

God was with us and Lindsay had a powerful message to share. Two words kept repeating- REPENT and FREEDOM. Linz pointed out that 'repent' is an action word and freedom , or at least freedom from sin, will be the result of repentance. Recognizing repentance as an action word is huge in itself. I for one get too wrapped up in 'feelings'. It is important to understand that the kind of repentance - the verb - repentance, is NOT a feeling. It is so easy to
feel remorse for a choice. I personally can wallow in that sorrow. You know how a pig likes to wallow and allow the mud to swallow them up? Yeah like that. As miserable as it makes me feel to realize my sin, I
feel like it is my penitence to hold on to it...i.e: wallow with it. Like God will be pleased with my suffering. Does anybody besides me see something wrong with this picture??? If we allow ourselves to identify with what Christ did for us on the cross we could be relieved to know that Christ has already done our suffering- the ultimate gift. It requires
faith on our part to accept this gift.
Faith, unlike repentance, requires us to not
do things, but to
believe things. BUT to repent, to turn from sin,
MUST BE TIED TO ACTION. Following Jesus means more than saying (or feeling) the right words- It means acting on what He says. (Luke 3:7-9) God has revealed to me that my incessant need to hold on and wallow is a complete waste of time and energy. It brings Him no glory and it allows me the wasted opportunity to continually revisit my sorrow and not grow in my relationship with Him.......
In my quest to
INCITE THE FIGHT the question is taken from lessons from Solomon's life: Knowing what actions are required of us means little without the will to
DO those actions...are you ready?
{ABOUT INCTIE THE FIGHT} Blog posts with incite the fight headers will be directly related to that month's Fight Night. Each Fight Night has a topic so {Incite The Fight} posts will be follow ups that will take the concepts deeper... Cindy and Fiona will be taking the lead on continuing the conversation... we hope you'll join in!
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