(revised pinterest poster:)
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid." - John 14:27 |
I'm sitting here typing with an avulsion fracture on my ankle, a sweet little souvenir I got to keep from our big vintage fair this weekend. A reminder that my body can't go at the rate that I was previously operating at ANNND a kick in the teeth by perspective.
When I saw the above saying on Pinterest... "STOP THE GLORIFICATION OF BUSY" I screamed "YES" out loud.
Yes, my kids are completely used to spastic random outbursts like that from me:):)
Sooo.... WHY do we do it??? Have you ever got in those "conversations" with other women about how crazy life is and have it turn into some sort of contest about who's life is the busiest, who has the most kids, the most laundry the most projects all on the smallest amount of sleep... blah blah blahbady blah!!! I've done it! I bet you've done it... and we need to STOP! In the name of Jesus...
There's so much personal fulfillment we get from being busy... if you're insecure in any way being busy and "out there" about what you're doing can bring lots of pats on the back, lots of sympathy and lots accolades
annnnnd if you're doing just enough you might just get the coveted "I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT ALL."
GIRLS we are made for MORE than being "busy".
A couple of weeks ago a good friend said
"I don't know how you do it all" to me and God used something that used to puff me up to convict me and start an upheaval of something needing to be broken off in me. Let me tell you how I've done it all... I've put my kids, my husband, my sex life,
(yup), my passions etc. all on the back burner. I mean you have to if you're really going to do "it all." Why is that OK?? Why is it celebrated?? Why do I feel guilty about wanting to have an actual hobby that has nothing to do with grocery shopping or taking the car through the car wash alone? I'm done! We get ONE LIFE PEOPLE... I don't think at the end we're going to say,
"Ohh I wish I would have done one more thing out of guilt so I could have ignored my family just a little more..."
Now, I will say, our fair was a lot of work... it was long hours and a wee bit of stress. But it was also God ordained. It was so fulfilling and something we enjoyed as a family and even in it's challenges there was growth and community and deepening of relationships. I'm actually not talking about the fair... it's all of the other little things I said yes to on top of the fair that God did not call me to. Things that were done out of guilt or not knowing how to say no. Things I added to my plate that were just distractions from the journey HE HAS ORDAINED FOR ME.
I fully realize I'm rambling... but can I get an AMEN? I'm sick of going and doing and pleasing others at my family's expense and at the expense of the calling God has given me. My friend just voxed me today and said our time here is short!
IT IS, it's short girls!!! We can't waste it by being 'busy" with stuff He hasn't called us to.
So how do you know if what you're doing is from God and not just a distraction of business from the enemy?? As Heather C. reminded me today...
GUILT IS NOT FROM GOD... the enemy wants us to believe every second of our days need to be filled. He wants us to believe our kids need to be occupied 24/7 and he covers us with guilt and makes us feel like we have to apologize for quiet afternoons or evenings at home. It's when we stop going and doing and we focus on relationships that we see what needs repaired ... we can be still and hear God's voice... we can teach our kids their significance is in Christ and not in what is accomplished in a day. And the ENEMY does NOT want that.
As a recovering people pleaser these are not easy words to write. It's scary to slow down! What will people think when my answer is no? Not, "No I have 7 other commitments," but "No, that doesn't work for me right now." As I am forced via a fractured ankle to slow down I am seeing what God has been trying to show me for months. Is this message for you too?? Lets STOP together... lets STOP asking women how they get it "all" done... because I guarantee you somethings NOT being done and it's most likely her poor husband. Let's STOP celebrating it ... and let's stop doing it... together... ready??? One... Two... Three... STOP!
As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” -Luke 10:38-42