The above quote was emailed to me the other night with a note of encouragement from one of our readers (Thank you Hannah). With my face in my hands that night sobbing, those words dropped so deeply into my heart.
Sheesh...and even as I'm attempting to type this I am struggling to see through the tears. I know what it's like to walk away from the familiar because being about my father's business in this season has led me here Kona (for those who may not know I walked away from the gym I owned for six years and now am a full-time missionary serving in YWAM). It's such a blessing to get up every morning to sunshine and ocean but boy, what I wouldn't give to wake up to cloudy skies but to be able to hug my mom, have coffee face to face with my friends, or feel little munchkin arms wrapped around my neck and hearing, "Hi Auntie LuLu".
(Kleenex Break...I'm sobbing my eyes out and have snot running down my face)
I battle everyday to stand out, to look more like Jesus, to not fit the bill of the world. But, some days it's hard to not just throw in the towel and go back to the normalcy of life. I am not called to have my own apartment right now, i'm called to live in 650 sq. ft. with 8 girls at the age of 31. I'm called to a twin bed and one shelf to place my things. I'm called to a full-time job in missions that lends itself to no paycheck.
Please don't hear me complaining...I'm just comparing the seasons of my life.
This is a season of massive growth. I see it, I feel it, I know it...but it's still hard because I have no clue what is ahead. Will I meet my husband soon? Will I live in Kona for another year? Will I write a book? Will I get to speak my heart to groups of women? Will I end up in some remote village in the Amazon? Will I even be alive tomorrow? Nothing is certain that is for sure. The one thing I am sure of is that as hard as this all is...IT'S ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!!!!
I got to say no to the world and yes to Jesus. I got to step out of the familiar and into the unknown. I got to give up everything I have worked the last ten years for and step into missions. I got to say yes to Jesus with everything I had in me. I was give the opportunity to say yes to standing out, to doing something crazy for a God I have never seen. This is a crazy journey of faith and I am so glad I'm on it.
Not everyone can pick up and move as I did...but maybe some of you could?!?!?! Just throwing it out there...Kona is amazing =). But let me ask you this...where in your life could you do less fitting in and more standing out? What area of your life could you choose to no longer walk in compromise? What area of your life have you been trying to fit into and you just don't fit...you know like when I try and put on a size 4 jeans when I really should be trying on the 10....You get what I'm saying right?!?!??!
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you; Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging your down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Romans 12:1-2 MSG
We are to set ourselves apart...not in arrogance but in the way we live our lives. We are to serve when the rest of the world is being selfish. We are to walk humbly while pride rears it's ugly head. We are to be self-controlled while those around us rage out of control. We are to love even when they seem unlovable. We do things backwards, inside out, and upside down when we do life with the God of the Universe. It's definitely not easy...but it's absolutely worth it. Being the Daughter of the King is the best place EVER!!!
Max Rounds in 20 Minutes
5 Pushups
10 Lunges
15 Situps
Workout all the way through one round and then on to the next for 20 minutes. On your pushups try and get that chest to the floor, even if you have to go from your knees. Really look to get a greater range of motion. On your lunges make sure on your front foot that you are never in your toes (yucky on those knees) stay in that front heel as you drive up. Keep your torso upright and try to get that back knee tap the floor. On your situps make sure your head hits the floor each and every time. Good luck. Have fun and train hard!!!
This is fantastic. And it really touched my heart. I know God is stirring something in me, and my family...to do more. But until we know for sure what that is, I am to remain faithful in the small things and make a difference where I am at (at home with my 3 boys) that I am called to do big things for Him no matter where I am at and to keep steady at focusing on the areas in my life that are needing pruning. Thank you Lu!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Oh man girl I just encourage you to press in even more for the stirring that God has begun. Fast and pray with the expectation that God really has the place, the thing so planned out already. That's so great that you feel stirred up for more for your family. Like I said Kona is an amazing base for all sorts of missions work...but not the old school type stuff. You want to get into the spheres of society...this is the place, cutting edge things happening here. If you don't mind my asking what do you and your husband do? What makes you really excited when you think about God stirring more? I want to honor you as well for being intentional in the small things as well, until you do the small things God won't trust you with the big. So, good on you for allowing the Lord to do all He wants to do. Thank you for sharing!!!!
GAHHHHH!! I just want to squeeze you tight when you are making snot - even if it is good snot. And thank you for writing it like it is. This is the life we are to lead - not a lukewarm, watered down faith - but step by step obedience to HIM.
ReplyDeleteYou know I wouldn't be surprised if the Lord took you to New Zealand in the year 2014 tehehehe....just laying it out there Lu.....
ReplyDeleteBack Off Fi... ahahahaha!!!
DeleteHahaha....you guys are hilarious right now...So funny. So Fi is that just a random thought or did you actually feel like the Lord said that and if so NZ? Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteThat was me being partly cheeky, partly selfish and partly thinking about the relationship YWAM has with ministries in NZ and the fact I know some YWAMmers there.....SO no, although the Lord did not sayeth unto me......in the natural it could happen.... :-) I do think often that God's will is played out in very natural flows and that doors open easily when it is the right thing.
DeleteFiona do you live in NZ? I thought you lived locally? Well not locally to me but to Medford.
Deleteshe does live in meddy for now... we are not going to talk about her moving back and you young lady are not going to NZ... there I've said it so it is now law!! :):)
ReplyDeleteBahahahahahaha!!!!! Linz what if it's just an opportunity to speak...maybe you're with me huh? Huh? Think big lady!!!!
ReplyDeletewell in that case i'm all for it:)
ReplyDeleteI thought you would say that!!!