
photos by Maria Alexandra Photography
I wonder what life would be like if everyday we set out to conquer a fear, big or small?  How would it change our lives and the lives of the people around us if we tapped into the mighty power of God's grace and pursued a faith so relentless, it could only point to Jesus. What if we ALL lived this way? Hi, I'm LIndsay... and this is my FEARLESS EXPERIMENT ... I will be journaling through my journey of going fearless, join me! It's scary and hard but there's really no other way to live!

2 Timothy 1:7

PS... These are our Wonder Boys... and the reason God is making me go fearless!


  1. Love this idea! I've had similar thoughts lately. Great e-book I came across: http://www.amazon.com/The-Flinch-ebook/dp/B0062Q7S3S Not faith based, but some great insight nonetheless.

    -Mike Mitrovich

    1. Mike!! It's been a while!! Good to hear from you! Thanks for the link:):)


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