I'm pretty infamous for falling asleep during movies. So much so that my sister doesn't really watch them with me anymore because I usually end up asleep 20 minutes in...I just can't help myself. So when a friend said to me that I had to watch the Lord of the Rings I scoffed a bit...I can't make it through 20 minutes how will I ever make it through the extended version trilogy? Well I happily can say, I MADE IT and I only fell asleep one time!!!
The movie was amazing, but there was one part that literally caused me to pause and journal the conversation between Aragorn and Eowyn...on a side note what a man eh??? I'm still single so I can look.... ;-) I'm getting back to it...sorry for the rabbit trail, I tend to do that often. Here is the exchange.
Eowyn: "I do not fear death or pain."
Aragorn: "What do you fear my lady?:
Eowyn: "A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accepts them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire."
Aragorn: "You are a daughter of kings. A shield maiden of Rohan, I do not think that will be your fate."
As many of you know, and maybe some that do not I will inform you of her part in the story. There is a villain who cannot be killed by a man. As they ride to battle she disguises herself and goes to battle with the men and ends up killing the villain because a man cannot....but a woman could. Had she been afraid of death or pain she would not have gone. Had she been living in fear this villain would not have been overtaken. She was able to perform a task that otherwise could not be carried out by man. There are things that as women only we can do. There are dreams we dream because God placed them in us. He placed very specific ones in YOU. There are things in this world that YOU are called to do. Stepping out fearless, unafraid of death, unafraid of pain we must!!!
We as women were created to be mother's and wives. We will give birth to and raise good men, if we choose. We also can be great women who call out great men. And when I say call out I mean to fight for and call the best version of him forward. I do not mean nag him, criticize him, scrutinize him. I mean encourage, love, respect, honor, and tell him who he is....he's waiting and dying to hear it!!! As many of you know I am very single so you may think I don't understand but I heard someone once say, the truth is the truth whether or not you understand.
We are in the fight of our lives ladies. The enemy hates us and would like nothing more than for us to lived caged, confined, and imprisoned in our fear and insecurities. We just cannot be ok with it anymore. We were created strong, beautiful, confident, brave, fun...we are fun ladies. I challenge you to laugh and smile a little bit more today....sorry another random thought, they just keep coming so I'm just going to keep typing them.
We must be less afraid of the pain that may come with stepping out and doing the scary things. We must be less afraid of the death that may come to our old traits, old relationships, old habits. Pain and death can and will literally lead to freedom. An act of valor sounds like something that a man should do right? Well valor means boldness or determination in facing great danger, courage, or bravery. So I'm going to challenge you to an act of valor. Just keep in mind danger doesn't have to be anything death defying it could be even the danger felt when being vulnerable with another person. There can be danger of looking a little silly or making a fool of yourself. So here it is...an act of valor this week...what will it be? We want to know. So either email us something crazy you did or put it in the comments section.
You are a daughter of the King, you need not be afraid....wow I have watched entirely too much Lord of the Rings
For 10 minutes do:
1 Lunge, 1 Pushup, 1 Situp (all the way down and all the way up)
2 Lunges, 2 Pushups, 2 Situps
3 Lunges, 2 Pushups, 2 Situps and on and on for 10 minutes...you may make it as high as 12 or 13 rounds.
When you get to 10 minutes stop and rest for 3 minutes. At the end of the rest make your way back down.
If you made it to 12 rounds do 12 lunges, 12 pushups, 12 situps, 11, 11, 11...and so on!!!
Keep track of the time it took you to get all the way back down to 1. Keep a record of it then try it in a month and see how it goes.
Lu...I LOVE Lord of the Rings! It's one of the only movies my hubby and I watched together and loved! Thank you for referencing it and making it so applicable to real life. Daughters of the King, I love that! I am going to be super real and honest here in my own personal journey. In one week I will be speaking at our Girls Nite In meeting with 60 teens. Our topic is "Self-hate & Injury". Honestly, this particular topic scares me. It's a place I haven't walked. I know that teenagers turn their brains off if an adult starts talking about something they know nothing about. I have been studying and studying on this topic. I have interviewed girls that cut. I have watched videos of broken dark places. I have cried out to the Lord to help me understand and to give me the words to reach these girls for Him. I have prayed that my every word would be HIM speaking directly to them next week!! The things I have seen, heard and studied have broken my heart and turned my stomach. Fear?? Oh yeah!!! I am fearful. Fearful that I haven't walked in their shoes, fearful that I won't say the right things, fearful that one girl might walk out of our meeting NOT knowing her heavenly Father. God has been working on my for months in the area of fear. Which has actually morphed into TRUST. Do I trust HIM? Do I trust that He will speak? Do I trust that He understands and loves these girls more than me? He is working on me. For sure on overtime this week. Girls Nite In is MY OWN PERSONAL FEARLESS JOURNEY! God is amazing. I am just the clay. Pray with me? This week? THANK YOU LINZ & LU!! Love you both so much, Treva:)
DeleteI love this. Here's the thing. The truth is the truth whether or not you understand it. You don't have to have walked in their shoes. You know the love of the Father. And that's all you need to share. Sorry I wrote this yesterday and then realized I never finished and sent it. Sorry about that.
Thanks LU!!! I needed to hear that!!! That is SO true!!! Pray for a calmness of heart and a bold tongue!!! :) Can't wait to see what God does!!
DeleteWhat amazing words you put together in a beautiful post. I love your heart! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLu... love love love you!! So proud of you for living fearless and honored to join you in the journey!! :)
ReplyDeleteLucianne Marie,
ReplyDeleteOh how I love you and I am so stinkin' proud of who you have come!! My own fearless journey this week is taking time to coach one-on-one a 14 year old girl who wants to be better. We talked, laughed, (I made her run a lot and do lots of squats and pushups and situps) and more than anything I told her that she did a great job. I heard her say she had a need....I reached out to meet it even though I am maybe not the most qualified person....but I am fully qualified to be an ambassador for Christ in her life.
Sounds like I should watch the Lord of the Rings. It would make my husband SOOOO happy!
Love you!
Yes you would!!!! He would love it and so would you. If you can find the extended versions do it!!!! Thanks momma for your encouragement! I love you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your amazing words... God is using you in mighty ways. I shared a link to your post on my blog. The Journey to me has started because of the Lord using woman like you and Lindsey.