Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fearless Confessional... {Pride}

Yikes... Pride can hold us back as much as fear can... here's my confession... it's a real one (not real pretty)... 

Mark 5:34 "Your faith has made you well."

After confessing this to God (a couple of weeks ago) He gave me the verse Mark 5:34... and I wrote this...

Tonight my father has made me well. I released the pride rebellion & defensiveness, I lifted up my hands to God. I am FREE, I am grateful. I am NOT AFRAID.

What's holding you back from being fearless?


  1. Thank you for your transparency! Love your blogs. I'm looking forward to growing and being challenged!

  2. asking God to reveal pride and rebellion in my life. kind of a scary one. thanks.

  3. Linds,

    Seriously legit blog! I loved it! Thanks for sharing your heart on the matter. You said a boring ass book....thank the Lord for new mercies...LOL! The thing I find so great is that your fiery passion is now coming out of a place of desire to look more like Jesus rather than out of the place of sin. You better just keep that AC on!!!! I will share a little rebellion/pride. When I got here to YWAM I was doing my work duty with a very grumpy, bitter old woman and she made me very angry everyday. But in the midst I really wanted to know why it made me so bad...well the Lord highlighted my issues with authority. It took a rebuke from my leaders telling me I was making the environment at work duty hostile! I let that woman and her issues effect me and how I responded and just literally responded in sin everyday. It was so gross but I really knew God was trying to show me something. He did, I repented, I no longer work with that woman. She's still grumpy refuses to make eye contact with me but oh boy do I kill her with kindness all the time. I tried to give her my cup of coffee yesterday as I was pouring it and she so rudely refused it because she didn't want that much. She sat down across the table with maybe a quarter of an inch less coffee than I! Hahahahahahaha! Walking in freedom is so amazing because it actually makes others uncomfortable. That probably shouldn't be funny....but it is :)

  4. Love this! I know God has some work to do on me... let me tell ya! I'm in the same boat as you... I read the Word for many years without it having much influence on me; feeling confused and frustrated each time I picked it up. This year has been an eye-opener for me. I LOVE my time in the Word now and can't even contain what I get from it daily!
    Praying that He'll continue to reveal the areas in my life where I have pride & rebellion. Praying that I will find my wholeness and fulfillment in Him.

  5. I can't leave this post w/o leaving some sort of a comment- The Lord has just used your words to confirm what He has been tugging on my heart.....Laying down my pride.......
    Thank you so much for sharing

  6. You my friend....made me teary. Thank you, for being vulnerable.


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